Terms & Conditions

First Nations Fisheries Council 2024 Photo Contest Official Contest Terms and Conditions No Purchase required

1. Entry Period

The entry period for the First Nations Fisheries Council (“FNFC”) Photo Contest (the “Contest”) begins on September 15, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time (“PT”) and ends on October 15, 2024 at 11:59pm PT (the “Entry Period”).    

2. Eligibility

No purchase is required or necessary. The Contest is open to all residents of British Columbia who have reached the age of nineteen (19) years, and who otherwise comply with these official terms and conditions (these “Contest Rules”).  Employees of FNFC, its affiliates, its advertising and promotional agencies and the immediate family and household contestants of those persons are not eligible. 

3. How to Enter

To enter the Contest, Contestant must during the Entry Period complete the registration form provided on contest.fnfisheriescouncil.ca, submit one (1) original photograph taken by the contestant (the “Photograph”) for consideration, and agree to these Contest Rules. By taking the foregoing steps, a Contestant is deemed to be participating in the Contest as an entrant (the “Contest Entrant”). 

The Photograph submitted must be based on the following theme: 

”Celebrating First Nations Successes: Waters, Lands, and Fish”

Show us how you are seeing positive changes in your community or around you. Whether it affects B.C.’s waters, land, fish or fishing, we’d like to see if from your lens!  Examples include but are not limited to community gardens, hereditary ways of harvesting food, actively fishing or collecting food from our ocean, lakes and streams, etc. 

The Contest Entrant’s completed registration form, together with the Photograph, is collectively referred to in these Contest Rules as an “Entry” or “Entries”.

All qualifying Entries satisfying all of the requirements in these Contest Rules will be eligible to receive the Prize (as defined below).

Limit of one Entry per Contest Entrant. Entries must be received during the Entry Period. The Photograph must be submitted electronically as JPEG files via the Contest Page. Digital files must be at least 1600 pixels wide for a horizontal image and no larger than 2MB (2,000KB).

See additional Photograph requirements below.
Photographs must have been taken on or after June 1, 2024 to be eligible. Entries must be submitted during the Entry Period. All Entries become the property of FNFC. All eligible Photographs will be posted for public viewing on contest.fnfisheriescouncil.ca subject to FNFC confirming their eligibility in accordance with these Contest Rules in its discretion.    

4. Entry Photograph Requirements

The Photographs must feature activity in British Columbia in line with the description of the theme in Rule 3. To protect personal privacy interests, Entries which contain or reference third party personal information, and Photographs featuring distinguishable features of a person will not be eligible for Contest Entry and will not be used by FNFC. Silhouetted figures, or shots of people at angles that do not clearly show an identifiable face, as determined solely by FNFC in its discretion, may be accepted. Photographs not in line with the theme of as described in Rule 3 or deemed to be inappropriate or non-compliant with these Contest Rules for any reason at FNFC’s sole discretion will not be posted for public viewing or voting and will not be eligible for consideration in the Contest. Photographs that have been digitally edited with software, cropped, enhanced, colour and sharpness adjusted may be accepted. Photographs using AI technology in any way will also not be accepted. FNFC will make the final determination, in its sole and exclusive discretion, as to whether any submitted Photograph is eligible.

Submitted Photographs in each Entry must also:

  • be original and in good taste; and 
  • be in keeping with FNFC’s public goodwill and image and may not be offensive, inappropriate or indecent, as determined by FNFC in its sole discretion. Photographs containing any profanity or lewd references will be disqualified at the sole discretion and judgement of FNFC. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any obscene, offensive, sexual or otherwise inappropriate Photographs including without limitation those referencing or depicting violence, nudity, or explicit activity, or which are not in the spirit of the Contest or do not meet FNFC’s standards for any reason, as solely determined by FNFC, will be deemed ineligible and Entries will be disqualified if they include any of the following: Crude, obscene, offensive, vulgar, sexually-inappropriate or offensive language and/or symbols; Derogatory characterizations of any ethnic, racial, sexual or religious groups; Content that endorses, condones or discusses any illegal, inappropriate or risky activity, behaviour or conduct; Personal information of individuals, including without limitation, names and addresses (physical or e-mail); Conduct or other activities in violation of these Rules; Commercial messages, comparisons or solicitations for products or services; Any identifiable third party products and/or trade-marks; URLs or links to any websites; and any other content that is or could be considered inappropriate, unsuitable or offensive, all as determined by FNFC in its sole discretion. 

5. Prize

The 12 Contest Entrants with the greatest number of eligible votes for their Photographs will each receive a prize, as follows:

There is 1 grand prize to be won. The 11 other winners that will be featured in the calendar will also receive a prize.

Grand Prize – A professionally gallery wrapped canvas of their image and a mystery prize kit courtesy of London Drugs. (valued at $100 Canadian)

11 other winners will receive a FNFC swag bag each.

(individually, or collectively as the context so requires, the “Prize”).  The Prize is non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and not convertible to cash. FNFC reserves the right to substitute a prize of equivalent retail value if any component of any prize cannot be awarded as described. There is a LIMIT of one (1) Prize that may be awarded to any one (1) household.  

6. Internal Vote

On October 16 – 17, 2024, eligible Photographs will be reviewed and voted on by a panel of internal FNFC staff and council members.  Between October 16, 2024 and October 17, 2024 at 11:59pm PT (“Voting Period”), voters will be permitted three votes for their favorite photographs. Voting results are unofficial until confirmed by FNFC in its sole discretion.   

7. Winner Selection

On October 18, 2024, FNFC will select the Contest Entrants with the greatest number of eligible votes their Photographs (the “Selected Entrants”), as determined by FNFC in accordance with Rule 6. If two or more applicable Contest Entrants have the same number of eligible votes for their Photographs, FNFC reserves the right to determine the Selected Entrants from those Contest Entrants in its sole discretion. The Selected Entrants will each be the winner of the Prize, subject to full compliance with these Contest Rules and any additional terms that FNFC may impose including without limitation, skill testing questions. No correspondence will be entered into except with the Selected Entrants, who will be notified by email on or around October 21, 2024.  Prior to being declared a winner, each Selected Entrant will be required to sign a standard Declaration, Release and Waiver of Liability form, confirming compliance with these Contest Rules and acceptance of the Prize as offered, releasing FNFC from any and all liability relating to the Contest and the use of the Prize and consenting to the use of the Selected Entrants’ name, and the Photograph, in any advertising, promotion and marketing by FNFC, in any medium or form of distribution (electronic or otherwise), whether inside or outside Canada, without compensation, for the purpose of the Contest. At least three (3) attempts over ten (10) business days will be made to contact the Selected Entrants by email. If a Selected Entrant cannot be contacted in this manner in order for FNFC to proceed with the foregoing requirements, the Selected Entrant will be disqualified, and the next eligible successful Contest Entrant will be declared a Selected Entrant.  

8. Consent

By entering the Contest, all Contest Entrants agree and consent and give a royalty-free, irrevocable right and license to FNFC to use of their names and the Photograph in any advertising, promotion and marketing by FNFC, in any medium or form of distribution (electronic or otherwise). Once submitted, Entries cannot be modified, deleted or cancelled by the Contest Entrant.

In addition, by submitting their Entries for the Contest, in the event they are eligible winners of any of the Prize, the Contest Entrants consent to FNFC sending them emails for purposes of notifying them of the results of the Contest and for signing any instruments FNFC may require prior to awarding the Prize. The Contest Entrants understand that they can unsubscribe from FNFC at any time. The Contest Entrants can contact FNFC at 320-1200 West 73rd Ave, Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 or at info@fnfisheriescouncil.ca 

9. Warranties

By entering, the Contest Entrant represents and warrants to FNFC that:

  • The Contest Entrant’s Entry is an original work by the Contest Entrant and cannot be an AI generated image;
  • No other person or entity other than the Contest Entrant has any right, title or interest in any part of his/her/their Entry;
  • The Contest Entrant’s Entry, the use thereof by FNFC, or the exercise by FNFC of any of the rights granted by the Contest Entrant under these Contest Rules does not and will not infringe or violate any rights of any third party or entity, including, without limitation patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, defamation, privacy, publicity, false light, misappropriation, intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress, confidentiality, or any contractual or other rights;
  • The Contest Entrant has all the rights, licenses, permissions and consents necessary to submit his/her/their Entry and to grant all of the rights and consents that the Contest Entrant has granted to FNFC hereunder including granting to FNFC a royal-free and irrevocable license to use the Contest Entrant’s Photograph in any manner FNFC sees fit; the Contest Entrant has obtained written permission when photographing any subject matter on private property not owned or controlled by the Contest Entrant, where such permission is required with due inquiry; 

10. Disqualification

FNFC reserves the immediate right to disqualify any Contest Entrant or Entry which it deems in its sole discretion: (i) is not in compliance with these Contest Rules, (ii) tampers with the entry process, the Contest, or the website; or (iii) is acting in an uncooperative, unsportsmanlike, disruptive, abusive, or threatening manner in the sole discretion of FNFC. 

11. Decisions Final

Decisions by FNFC in respect of all aspects of the Contest, including but not limited to eligibility of Entries and selection of Selected Entrants, are final. FNFC and its employees, consultants, contractors, advertising and promotional agencies will be free from any liability occurring as a result of any Prize being awarded or the use of the Prize by Selected Entrants. 

12. Limitation of Liability

By entering the Contest, all Contest Entrants agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless FNFC, its affiliates, and their respective partners, affiliates, advertising/promotional agencies, and their respective employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, contractors, representatives and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any claims, losses and damages arising out of their participation in the Contest and the acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of the any Prize awarded hereunder. The Released Parties assume responsibility whatsoever for delayed, failed, partial or garbled computer or fax transmissions; technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to lost, interrupted or unavailable network server, Internet Service Provider (ISP), website or other connections, availability or accessibility or miscommunications or failed computer, satellite, telephone, fax or cable transmissions, lines or technical failures or difficulties; the incorrect or inaccurate capture or failure to capture information whether caused by site users, tampering, hacking, or by any equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest or other information; the failure to capture any such information; errors of any kind whether human, mechanical, electronic, network or otherwise arising out of or relating to the Contest; theft, loss, destruction or damage to entries, in whole or in part; or other factors beyond their reasonable control, it being understood such all of the foregoing obligation to release, discharge and to hold the Released Parties harmless shall survive expiration of the Contest. The Released Parties are not responsible for injury or damage to the Contest Entrants’ or to any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participating in the Contest or downloading materials to or from or use of the web site. Contest Entrants who tamper with or abuse any aspect of the Contest or website, as solely determined by FNFC will be disqualified. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY ANY PERSON TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEB SITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST IS A VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, FNFC RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. 

13. Right to Modify or Terminate

FNFC reserves the right to withdraw, modify or terminate or any part of the Contest or these Contest Rules, in whole or in part (including, without limitation, the Entry Period, the Voting Period and the date on which the Selected Entrants are selected), by publishing a notice on www.fnfisheriescouncil.ca/ website, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation, technical failure or corruption, computer virus, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or any other cause beyond the control FNFC which in the opinion of FNFC affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest. 

14. Conditions

By entering the Contest, the Contest Entrants agree to be bound by these Contest Rules as well as any applicable terms and conditions associated with the Contest including without limitation the terms and conditions of the Contest Page. The Contest is subject to all federal, provincial, and municipal laws and regulations. The sole jurisdiction to resolve any disputes concerning the Contest is the Province of British Columbia. 

15. Privacy

FNFC will use all personal information submitted with the Entry solely for the purpose of administering the Contest and for FNFC’s marketing and promotional purposes as contemplated by these Contest Rules. For the purposes of the above, “personal information” includes the first name, last name, likeness and email address of the Contest Entrant. FNFC is collecting this personal information and running the Contest in accordance with section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection and Privacy Act.  If the Contest Entrants have any questions about how FNFC collects, uses or discloses their personal information they may contact info@fnfisheriescouncil.ca